The investigation of the monthly Causeur signed by the courageous Céline Pina makes you jump, a shiver in the back.
“The migration agreements signed with Morocco and Turkey and the extreme benevolence towards the most radical Muslim populations fuel the political clientelism of the left in Belgium”, says Causeur. “This opens up a demographic bomb that could make Belgium the first Muslim state in Europe. In Belgium, the Islamists have important relays in the local political class, but also within the Commission and the European Parliament. In
- May 2021, Sarah Schlitz, Belgian State Secretary for Gender Equality and member of the Greens, appointed a veiled woman Commissioner for Gender Equality”.
Perhaps intoxicated by her success, new Commissioner Ihsane Haouach reveals her game a bit quickly: in an interview with Le Soir, she declares that the conception of secularism depends on demographics.
“In Islamist parlance, the Muslim Brotherhood channel, this means that when Muslims are in the majority they will be the arbiters of secularism. Their latest venture in this area was to give the city of Brussels the face of a veiled woman, close to the circles of the Brotherhood. Fatima Zibouh was in fact chosen to support Brussels’ candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture. However, this woman, an activist of the Greens and strongly supported by this party, founded the association Empowering Belgian Muslims.
“It’s simple: democracy is demography. The population of Arab-Muslim origin is very numerous in Belgium, particularly in the Brussels region. All the more difficult as this population is surprisingly homogeneous in terms of origin. The vast majority of Belgium’s Muslim population (80 to 90 percent) comes from bilateral agreements signed in 1964 with Morocco and Turkey. Moroccans are today the largest ethnocultural minority in the country. This Moroccan immigration, coming essentially from the Rif, is strongly under Islamist influence.
“However, since Belgium has adopted an integration policy which greatly facilitates obtaining nationality, this population is an electoral issue. Islamists play political cronyism cleverly. They capitalize on their entry into Belgian parties and institutions through their strategy of influence with the European Union”.
And again: “In 2020, according to Statbel, the Belgian statistical office, 67.7 percent of the Belgian population was made up of Belgians of Belgian origin. Ten years ago, the share of the population of Belgian origin was 74.3. The decline is therefore considerable in a few years and should accelerate. As for the share of Muslims in the population, it is expected to increase sharply. According to the Pew Forum of Religion and Public Life, Belgium will thus have 1.149 million Muslims in 2030, an increase of 80.96 percent compared to 2010 (population estimated at 638,000). Demographic dynamics work in favor of this population.
“It should also be noted that Muslims, distributed very unevenly across the territory, are mainly concentrated in the Brussels region. According to a study from 2016, some neighborhoods are particularly occupied by the Arab-Muslim population (49.3 in Saint-Josse, 41.2 in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, 38.5 in Schaerbeek…). This is called the Muslim Belt of Brussels.
“Another study, published in 2020 by the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, shows that while young people in Brussels as a whole are open and tolerant, Arab-Muslim students are the opposite of this trend. Although they vote mainly to the left, out of clientelism, 81 percent of them declare themselves religious and 38 believe that religion takes precedence over civil law. In these conditions it becomes difficult to say that the Great Replacement is a fantasy. In reality it is the nightmare of the right and the dream of the Islamists who hope to make Belgium the first Muslim state in Europe”.
More than one million migrants entered Belgium legally between 2000 and 2010.
In the period 2009-2011 alone, family reunification, which accounts for half of all residence permits, enabled 121,000 foreigners to settle in Belgium. Today 20 percent of Charleroi’s population is Muslim. And Wallonia, the Charleroi region, between 2007 and 2017 went from 70 to 140 mosques. Doubled in just ten years.
Brussels theaters have been labeled “Ramadan friendly” this year.
What is a “Ramadan friendly theatre”? Perhaps one where it puts itself at ban an adaptation of Aristophanes because it is “offensive to Islam” or Christopher Marlowe’s Tamerlane because a copy of the Koran is burned?
A story about the Catholic elementary school of Beringen in Flanders has come out in recent days. “More than 80 percent of the students are Muslims.”
Meanwhile, DH informed us about the calls for Charleroi: “It was a commitment that Mayor Paul Magnette had made with his Socialist-Ecological majority at the beginning of his mandate: to guarantee that a park, a garden and a green public space would be accessible to all residents. The chosen option is the demolition of two churches”.
Today 20 percent of Charleroi’s population is Muslim. In Wallonia, the region of Charleroi, between 2007 and 2017 the number of mosques doubled.
Razika Adnani in this week’s Marianne magazine explains that this conquest project was outlined by the Egyptian preacher Mohamed al-Ghazali (1917-1996), one of the most influential members of the Muslim Brotherhood: “He describes the West as a depraved and bankrupt world that only Islam can save. On page 16 of a book by him, he quotes the words of a French convert to Islam: ‘I imagine all of France converted to Islam! What will happen? You will no longer find drunkards on the street, nor sexuality commercials, nor variety programs.
Churches will turn into mosques after they are painted white and shops selling pork will be closed.”
The European peoples have trampled on the basic biological and cultural laws that regulate the birth, rise, decline and death of a civilization, celebrating their own euthanasia. For many of them the “cure” will be the crescent. Or as former Turkish Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, Erdoğan’s mentor, said in a speech in Ludwigsburg, Germany,
“Europeans are sick and we will give them medicine. The whole of Europe will become Islamic”.
Source: Giulio Mnotti- Arutz Sheva