Here are the news headlines:
Coronavirus blood-clot mystery intensifies – Nature Magazine
COVID might be linked to more blood clots than we thought. – Popular Science
Clots, Strokes And Rashes. Is COVID-19 A Disease Of The Blood Vessels? – National Public Radio
How Could The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Cause Blood Clots? – Los Angeles Times
Calling reported blood clots among hospitalized COVID-19 patients “a mystery,” an anxiety-raising report in Nature Magazine says blood clots arise in 20-30% of critically ill COVID-19 patients, blood thinners don’t reliably prevent these clots, and many hospitalized patients exhibit elevated levels of a protein fragment called D-dimer produced when clots dissolve, which is a “powerful predictor of mortality.”
Blood coagulation (clotting) in patients with COVID-19 is significantly deranged compared with healthy people, states a March 2020 report published in Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine.
So modern medicine was aware of this problem over a year ago but it is only now gaining attention.
Hematologists have issued bulletins sounding the alarm over “severe abnormal blood clotting, leading to many micro-clots within the lungs” of COVID-19 patients. The alarm was issued when a report published in the British Journal of Haematology involving 83 patients, with 13 deaths, confirmed the problem.
A puzzling part of this problem is that blood platelet counts were normal. Increased fragments of clots (D-dimer) were observed only among patients admitted to the intensive care unit. Placing patients on heparin blood thinner prophylactically sometimes prevents the problem. But to add to the confusion, heparin did not significantly reduce D-dimer levels.
Antiplatelet and anticoagulant (blood thinning) drugs administered pre-admission to hospital do not seem to protect.
Another unnerving report published in E Clinical Medicine notes that 31% of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit have blood clots in their veins, but also 20% of non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients also were found to have venous clots.
By comparison, doctors observe arterial blood clots among patients with the flu are extremely rare.
Blood clotting can occur among patients with the flu, but only in veins.
For patients with COVID-19, blood clots can appear in either veins or arteries.
But maybe these cases of unexplained blood clotting that arise spontaneously are actually what is called pseudo-thrombotic microangiopathy, a recognized disorder that emanates from a vitamin B12 deficiency (often misdiagnosed as thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura). Purpura refers to purplish bruises on the skin or in the mouth.
Sally M. Pacholok RN, BSN and emergency room nurse, and author of , says a B12 deficiency “may unknowingly increase the death rate of this pandemic, especially in older adults.”
She says the consequences can be fatal. A shortage of B12 may hamper the ability to produce antibodies. She says 1 in 6 Americans are deficient.
COVID-19 And Homocysteine
One hypothesis is that COVID-19 coronavirus interferes with vitamin B12 metabolism which results in high levels of an undesirable blood protein called homocysteine.
A consequence of B12 deficiency is elevation of homocysteine, an undesirable blood protein that causes inflammation. Elevated homocysteine is associated with progression of lung disease among COVID-19 patients.
A B9 deficiency (folate, folic acid) may mask a B12 deficiency. A deficiency of B9 also raises homocysteine levels.
Other Ways B12 Inhibits COVID-19
Vitamin B12 is needed to inhibit polymerase, the enzyme that facilitates replication of the COVID-19 virus, which can reduce the severity of the infection.
Unreliable B12 Tests
Normal blood levels of vitamin B12 does not mean there is no vitamin B12 deficiency. So-called normal B12 blood levels are simply what is the “normal range” for the masses. But normal means normally occurring range, not healthy range. Many people with a normal blood level of B12 report improvements in sleep, fatigue, and disappearance of other symptoms with B12 supplementation.
B12 deficiency symptoms
B12 deficiency symptoms look like a list of COVID-19 symptoms: extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, numbness, tingling, or burning in either the hands, legs, or feet, and developing ulcers or sores in the mouth. Add short-term memory loss, sore tongue, backache, cough.
Harvard Health Letter describes symptoms of B12 deficiency:
- strange sensations, numbness, or tingling in the hands, legs, or feet
- difficulty walking (staggering, balance problems)
- anemia
- a swollen, inflamed tongue
- difficulty thinking and reasoning (cognitive difficulties), or memory loss
- weakness
- fatigue
- B12 And Fatigue
Severe fatigue is a very prevalent symptom of COVID-19 infection that is independent of the severity of infection. Vitamin B12 deficiency results in unremitting fatigue. More than half of surveyed COVID-19 patients report persistent and incapacitating fatigue long after they recovered from their infection.
Vitamin B12 reduces inflammation, reduces breathing difficulty, gastrointestinal problems, prevents blood clotting in the hospital for COVID-19 patients.
A report entitled: COVID-19’s Toll On The Elderly And Those With Diabetes Mellitus – Is Vitamin B12 Deficiency An Accomplice? published in Medical Hypotheses in January of 2021, is shocking.
Metformin, the most commonly-prescribed anti-diabetic drug, depletes vitamin B12. Even healthy non-diabetic patients experience increase immunity with B12 supplementation.
The fatality rate for COVID-19-infected patients varies widely, from 0.07% to 9.6%.
Malnutrition may explain these wide variances in death rates. B12 shortages are more common among diabetics – up to 43% in one study.
It was well known, long before the COVID-19 pandemic, that a vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to pseudo-thrombotic microangiopathy (clots in small blood vessels). Cases of thrombosis (clotting) are resolved with B12 supplementation.
A B12 shortage can impair the ability of the body to produce red blood cells in bone marrow and result in shortness of breath and anemia with severe symptoms of fatigue.
B12 Supplements
Surprisingly, a recent report indicates that methylcobalamin B12csupplements have the potential to reduce COVID-19-related organ damage and symptoms.
Another report reveals 500 micrograms of B12 combined with 1000 units of vitamin D and 150 milligrams of magnesium reduced the need for oxygen therapy in the intensive care unit.
The methylcobalamin form of B12 is preferred. Cyanocobalamin (with a cyanide component) is sold in retail stores.
Sublingual (under the tongue) B12 is the most efficient way to take oral B12 due to the fact stomach acid needed to absorb B12 is lacking.
Other Dietary supplements
The relationship between immunity and nutrition is well known and its role in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is also being given great attention.
A report published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases reveals vitamin and mineral levels of hospitalized COVID-19 patients: 76% of the patients were vitamin D deficient and 42% were selenium deficient. Among patients with respiratory distress, 11 (91.7%) were deficient in at least one nutrient. Selenium facilitates the availability of zinc that is required to produce T-cells and also halts viral mutations.
While supplemental nutrients are suggested to protect against viral infection, recommended doses are almost useless in dealing with fast replicating and mutating viruses like COVID-19.
A natural molecule that deserves special attention is the herbal extract resveratrol, a red wine molecule known for its anti-clotting properties. A recent report says: “By virtue of its anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties, resveratrol would be expected to lower COVID-19-associated mortality, which is well known to be increased by thrombosis and inflammation.”
Steep Price To Pay
One study reveals 52.7% of COVID-19 patients are malnourished. This is a massive oversight of modern medicine.
COVID-19 patients are paying a steep price for modern medicine’s despisal and disdain for vitamin therapy. After decades of casting a blind eye at vitamin therapy, can vitamin therapy be ignored any longer?
Vaccine makers have reportedly signed a pledge to ensure safety and effectiveness of their shots before seeking government approval “to roll them out on a mass scale,” a report in The Wall Street Journal claims. Yet these experimental vaccines have already been rolled out to millions of people and the current studies aren’t even testing for safety or efficacy.
A troubling thought is that the other seven varieties of coronaviruses do not produce these deadly symptoms. Coronavirus are known as common cold viruses
It was reported in 2015 there were “gain of function” experiments conducted under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health.
Those experiments increased the virility and transmission of the man-made mutated virus.
The conclusion of that study said:
“… we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.”
The FDA closed down the laboratory where those experiments where being performed.
The NIH then jobbed out these “gain of function” experiments to a laboratory in Wuhan in China.
These experiments weaponized a coronavirus found in fruit bats. This suggests a diabolical agenda.