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Christian persecution continues in Gaza as death toll climbs

In a report published on July 5 by British medical journal The Lancet, researchers have produced a revised estimate of the death toll of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Previous wars have seen “indirect” fatalities as high as 15 for every person killed by direct fire.

  • The study gave a “conservative estimate” of a ratio of 4 people killed due to the war’s wider consequences for every 1 killed by shelling, missiles and small arms fire.

With the current reported death toll being around 37,000, this gives a revised total of 186,000 deaths, the overwhelming majority of which are civilians and predominantly women and children.

  • As Monsignor William Hanna Shomali, auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem, warned in an interview with LifeSiteNews in February, this does not include those buried under the rubble. According to a report in the Irish Times, “The Lancet said the figure adopted as the base for its projection was ‘likely an underestimate’ due to the thousands of bodies under rubble.”

There has been no comment on the revised estimates from the U.S. and U.K. governments. The rising estimates of Israel’s war on Gaza comes alongside widespread reports of the persecution of the vanishing Catholic and other Christian populations.

  • The Israeli government and its lobby in the U.S. and U.K. have consistently sought to discredit reports of civilian deaths arising from Israel’s use of its armed forces against the civilian population of Gaza.

Efforts have included attempts to brand the United Nations Works and Relief Agency, UNWRA, as a branch of Hamas.

UNWRA is the main agency providing emergency water, food and medical supplies – all of which have been blockaded by Israel for many years.

Current U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer infamously stated that “Israel has the right” to shut off water pipelines and mount a “siege” of Gaza. As a result, there are next to no anesthetics in Gaza, and food supplies are routinely warehoused or restricted due to Israeli obstruction.

  • Hani Bsesso, a Palestinian doctor, was filmed amputating his 7-year-old daughter’s foot in January in his own kitchen. She was wounded in an Israeli attack.

Unable to leave the house for 15 days due to Israeli tanks outside, he was operating without surgical instruments and with no anesthetic. The local hospital – Al Shifa – had been bombed due to false claims that it was being used as a Hamas central command.

  • By February, Foreign Policy reported that “every hospital in Gaza is either damaged, destroyed, or out of service due to lack of fuel.”


The reduced access to medical care and medicines is one cause of “indirect” deaths. Another would be starvation, and complications arising from dehydration.

Attacks, persecution of Christians

Often overlooked in the suffering of the 1.7 million inhabitants of Gaza, half of whom are children, are the Catholic and other Christian populations.

A report emerged on July 7 that the Holy Family Catholic Church in Gaza was again under siege.

  • The Holy Family School in the church compound was hit by Israeli airstrikes on July 7, killing four. According to Vatican News, the Israeli army claimed the school “housed a Hamas weapons manufacturing facility.” Missiles hit two ground floor classrooms housing “a large number of displaced Palestinian families.”

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem condemned the latest attack on the Holy Family parish in Gaza.

As Jason Jones reported, the plight of Christians in the Holy Land is woefully underreported, with the “greatest ally” of the United States, Israel, effectively funded and armed to harm them at will.

  • The Christian population of Israel is vanishing – due to persecution. Christians made up 84 percent of Bethlehem’s population in 1922. By 2007, this had fallen to 22 percent.

A statement by the Council of Heads of Catholic Churches (CHCCJ) in Jerusalem said that the Christian population in the city had fallen to approximately 1 percent – around 10,000 – from a total of 936,000, according to 2019 figures.

Abu Nassar, for the CHCCJ, has also named attacks by Jewish extremists on Palestinians and expansion of illegal settlements as one reason behind the decline in Jerusalem’s Christian population.

  • “There is an increase in illegal settlement activity in many neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, and this is not a secret, and it targets many places, including some Christian holy sites,” he said.

Israel contradicts Christian claims

Israeli sources claim the Christian population of Israel has grown – from 1.4 percent to 1.9 percent. Fr. Francisco Patton, who as Custodian of the Holy Land leads the Franciscan Friars, warned in a 2019 article that “Holy Land Christians are at threat of extinction” due to the actions of Zionist extremists.

On this, Fr. Patton wrote,

  • In recent years, the lives of many Christians have been made unbearable by radical local groups with extremist ideologies. It seems that their aim is to free the Old City of Jerusalem from its Christian presence, even the Christian quarter.

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics responded with a survey which claimed that 84 percent of Christians in Israel were “satisfied” with life under Zionism, as a second warning was issued by the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem titled, “Let us pray for the Christians being driven from the Holy Land.”

  • In the same month, December 2021, a report by the CHCCJ cited mounting attacks on Christians, priests, and holy sites as “tactics” to remove Christians from the Holy Land. As AA reported in March 2022:
  • The heads of Christian churches in Jerusalem warned in a statement that Christians in the holy city ‘have become the target of frequent and persistent attacks by extremist (Jewish) groups’ especially since 2012.

The statement listed a range of disturbing incidents, including “countless physical and verbal attacks on priests and other clergy, attacks on Christian churches, with holy sites regularly vandalized and desecrated, and constant intimidation of local Christians simply seeking to worship freely and go about their daily lives.”

  • The Council described the attacks as “tactics” used by the Zionist “extremist groups in a systematic attempt to push the Christian community out of Jerusalem and other parts of the Holy Land.”

Escalating attacks on Christianity

  • The attacks have escalated since October 7, with a January report detailing the smashing of graves and the desecration of the Church of the Grotto of Gethsemane, among many other incidents.
  • In February 2024, the Benedictine Abbot of the Church of the Dormition of Jerusalem was spat upon and harassed in the Holy City, his attackers cursing the name of Jesus.

Abbot Schnabel said on X:

Catholic women murdered in Israel

These reports followed the December 2023 murder of two Catholic women in the Holy Family Church compound by an Israeli sniper.

  • “No warning was given, no notification was provided. They were shot in cold blood inside the premises of the Parish, where there are no belligerents,” said the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in a December 16 statement on the execution of the two Catholic women.

Nahida Anton (pictured left) was shot dead when going to the toilet. Samar, her daughter, was executed when she went to help her dying mother. Samar Anton was the cook at the neighboring Convent of the Sisters of Mother Teresa, which housed and cared for 54 disabled people before being struck by Israeli tank fire the same morning.

The Patriarchate’s statement continued:

  • Earlier in the morning, a rocket fired from an IDF tank targeted the Convent of the Sisters of Mother Theresa (Missionaries of Charity).
  • The Convent is home to over 54 disabled persons and is part of the church compound, which was signaled as a place of worship since the beginning of the war.
  • The building’s generator (the only source of electricity) and the fuel resources were destroyed. The house was damaged by the resulting explosion and massive fire.
  • Two more rockets, fired by an IDF tank, targeted the same Convent and rendered the home uninhabitable. The 54 disabled persons are currently displaced and without access to the respirators that some of them need to survive.

Pope Francis condemned the killings as “terrorism,” in a statement which highlighted the fact that the Holy Family compound is a refuge for unarmed civilians seeking shelter from Israel’s assault.

  • “I continue receiving very serious and sad news about Gaza. Unarmed civilians are targets for bombs and gunfire. And this has happened even within the parish complex of the Holy Family, where there are no terrorists, but families, children, people who are sick and have disabilities, sisters…”

A CNN report on the killings includes the response of the IDF – the Israeli army. The IDF denied the deaths had taken place.

The Israel Defense Forces released a statement saying that no fatalities had been reported by Holy Family Parish representatives.

The IDF also stressed ‘that it does not target civilians,’ whilst seeking to explain a second assault on another church.

An initial review suggests that IDF troops, who were operating against Hamas terrorists in the area, operated against a threat that they identified in the area of the church.

  • Israel also bombed the Holy Family Church compound, leaving the generators inoperable. These generators supplied power to life supporting breathing equipment to the elderly and disabled, who are cared for by the sisters religious of the Holy Family Parish.
  • In December 2023, U.K. MP Layla Moran related reports from family members sheltering in the Latin Church in Zeitoun, Gaza, one of whom had died following an Israeli siege.

Moran made further claims of fatalities.

  • ‘[My family] are reporting white phosphorous and gunfire into their compound,’ she said. ‘The bin collector and the janitor have been shot and their bodies are laying outside and remain uncollected.’

The use of white phosphorous munitions on civilians is a war crime as their impact results in severe and inextinguishable flesh burns. These weapons are made in the U.S, and have been used by Israel in Gaza and in Southern Lebanon in recent months.

Media blackout in Gaza

In his interview with LifeSiteNews, Monsignor Shomali noted that communications from the Holy Family Church compound were severely restricted – as they are across most of Gaza. Israeli strikes days after October 7 cut off most internet and electricity connections in the strip, resulting in an immediate “communications blackout.”

The government of Israel seeks to tightly control reports of its targeted killing of civilians, Christian and Muslim, and routinely denies the veracity of any statements it has not issued itself.

Its main tactic has been to claim any agency reporting deaths and casualties is supporting terrorism. It denies what it is clearly doing, and simply ignores the laws of war.

  • In the latest round of peace negotiations, Hamas has once again accepted the terms of a ceasefire, and Israel has rejected any proposal to end the war. It has done so in May and in June. Netanyahu personally insists that any “ceasefire” must permit Israel to continue the war against “Hamas.”

  • Israeli news reported today that Netanyahu’s conditions will very likely make any “ceasefire” impossible.

This war and its justification only makes sense if the entire population of Gaza, including its children, hospitals, churches and aid agencies are also “Hamas.”

The tactics are clear. It is not only the removal of Christians from the Holy Land which is the objective of this media and military “war.”

  • The picture presented by the reality on the ground is one of total annihilation.