As the mainstream media power down the pandemic narrative and engage war mode, there’s still time for one last autopsy – the media’s post mortem of the pandemic itself.
And, in a beautifully fitting piece of poetic irony, COVID’s autopsy will be inaccurate and fitted to a foregone conclusion.
This week has seen the UK’s SAGE group discontinuing their regular monthly meetings, whilst admitting their predictions were “at variance with reality”.
The media are discussing the “bad data” which was used to build the Imperial College models that called for a lockdown.
An Imperial College report shows Covid modelling that took the UK into the first lockdown in March 2020 was based on inaccurate data.
Evidence Based Medicine Professor Carl Heneghan: “Fundamentally something has to change because this is inexcusable.”@JuliaHB1 | @carlheneghan pic.twitter.com/1RFCDPl8Np
— talkRADIO (@talkRADIO) February 28, 2022
A Telegraph article quotes Prof Mark Woolhouse, who claims in his recent book that “lockdowns had surprisingly little effect”,
and that
“Anyone who supported lockdown on the basis of the half-million figure was misled” but still lays the blame at the feet of incompetence, never malice.
This is all still part of the story. The post-event navel-gazing. We’ve seen it before.
They said 9/11 was the result of a “failure of imagination”.
The Iraq War was supposedly the result of “bad intelligence”.
Both outright, provable lies. A protective rear-guard for the establishment narrative.
The agonising over “mistakes” and promising to “do better next time” are all still part of the theatre, buttressing the fake story against a more brutal reality – “COVID”, as it was sold to us, never really existed.
The pandemic was not organic. Lockdowns were not the result of panic.
We have all read the facts.
The data was fudged, the tests were useless, the statistics artificially inflated, and many deaths were intentionally caused through institutionalized medical negligence. Hospitals received funding bonuses as payoffs.
None of that had anything to do with bad data, or pessimistic models. They did it all on purpose, all of it.
Every life lost, every business destroyed, every penny wasted, every child traumatised. Every moment of anxiety and fear – every single one – entirely intentional.
They ruined lives and countries and the global economy as a deliberate policy on the back of a vast web of lies, and last act of the deception will be to claim it was a “mistake”.
Meanwhile, the same agenda that masked itself behind this “mistake” – mass poverty, food and energy shortages, censorship and social control – is creeping ever closer in a new guise: War.
It’s all the same, no matter what they’re saying, no matter what they’re pretending to care about, what they actually want never changes.
“COVID” cost every single one of us something – safety, money, trust, health, friends, family – but it gave us something too – A peek behind the curtain.
In their ambition, the establishment exposed their true face.
They think if they stop talking about the “great reset”, the “new normal” or “building back better” for a few months we’ll forget. But we won’t.
They told us, clearly, who they were and what they intended, and now they’re going to pretend they didn’t mean it.
Don’t believe it. Not for a second.
Source: Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian