steampunk heart

En Marche! Eid Mubarak, France!

6,000 faithful celebrated the end of Ramadan at the Delaune stadium in Saint-Denis, outside Paris.

When the crowd arrived at the stadium, members of the Amal association directed the men to the entrances of the two main courts, behind the grandstand.

“The women at the back.”

Even the tennis courts welcomed the devotees. The fences were festooned with green balloons, the color of Islam. The “Allahu Akbar” rang out from the loudspeakers placed in the four corners of the stadium.

The same scenes took place in dozens. of other stadiums in France and in small and medium-sized cities: in Garges, Bagneux, Poissy, Créteil, Ivry-sur-Seine, Argenteuil, Athis-Mons, Noisy-Le-Grand …

At the stadium of Mosson of Montpellier, 10,000 faithful in prayer. In Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, a town of 30,000 inhabitants, 5,000 gathered in prayer at the stadium.

Same scenes in Gennevilliers. We would be wrong to think that it is a test of strength for Islam The mayors of these cities showed up at stadiums to nurture their electorate.

Henri Rey-Flaud, psychoanalyst and literary critic, author of “La France séteint, l ’Islam s’embrase”, has courage when he says:

“France is in an identity crisis. The same goes for Italy. And the tightening of identity that we observe in Hungary and Poland also reveals an identity crisis. Europe has failed to create a European identity. I think the great European momentum has run out. France has died out, it has lost faith in itself and in God.”

“The great strength of Islam is that it is a source of impetus. Today, in France, Islam is practically the only source of spirituality. It develops because there is fertile ground underneath. The only thing that mobilizes our young people today is the celebration. We live in the enjoyment of the moment, while Islam is projected into eternity.”

“This also applies to the rest of Europe. Venice, Florence, Rome and Paris are museum cities, while Islam is alive. I fear that Islam is the fruitful vein in French territory. And I believe that a population animated by spirituality is almost certain to win against a population whose young people think of nothing but enjoying the moment “.

In London, thousands of faithful in Trafalgar Square praying at the end of Ramadan, while in Birmingham 30,000 gathered in a park.

Large English football fields for the first time hosted Islamic prayers.

And also in Italy.

Thousands of faithful gathered from Piazza Garibaldi, in Naples, to the Dora Park in Turin (in Tunisia it is forbidden to pray in the street). And then in Freiburg, Germany. And in the rest of Europe.

George Dumas in Causeur, the monthly edited by Elizabeth Lévy, tells what is happening:

“On the day of Eid el-Fitr, on the streets of Aubervilliers, it was realized that the various communities and this much-praised multiculturalism by politicians actually merged into the ummah. When, around eight this morning, I was awakened by a voice as insistent as it was distant, it took me ten seconds to identify it as that of the muezzin. Because here, in Aubervilliers, it is the ummah that shows up. Qami were numerous among men, abayas and hijabs among women.”

“My personal experience confirms the diagnoses of de-Christianization or abandonment of religion that I have been able to read from the pen of Marcel Gauchet and Guillaume Cuchet. The show that morning on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the massive participation, the separation of the sexes in the stadium where the ‘ceremony’ was held and the marked religious clothing of the faithful, is that another civilization has shown itself in the public space, a dynamic, unifying, living civilization, but bearer of values ​​different from ours. A civilization ready to replace ours, which no longer unites people and no longer feeds minds. En Marche! Eid Mubarak! “.

Islam has on its side a cultural force that neither we – minorities of woke nihilists and sleeping majorities – nor the Russian Pan-Slavists have any more.

In Le Monde it was even said that for many political leaders in Moscow, including Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov, Russia is on the way to becoming “a great Muslim country”.

  • Any European, like me, who cares about European civilization today, feels like an orphan.

Source: Giulio Meotti‏ via Arutz Sheva