Rita Brodsky, ex-wife of the Israeli killed in Ukraine and mother of his children, spoke on Thursday morning to Galei Zahal, “I haven’t yet told the children that their father was killed.”
“The littlest won’t understand, first of all. The eldest was very close to him,” Rita told Galei Zahal, her voice cracking.
“It will take time until I will be ready, until I find what to tell them. In our last conversation, he said, ‘You understand that you are taking responsibility for the children. You’ll take care of them?’ I told him, ‘Of course.’ I also need to be strong, for them. I need to give them the love of both parents.”
She added, “I will always remind them how much their father loved them.”
“We were married 13 years and we went through so much. He is a friend of my soul.”
Alexander Konstantinovsky, a friend of his who was traveling in a convoy of vehicles trying to escape from Kyiv, told Galei Tzahal earlier this week, “We advanced toward Moldova, we saw in the news that there was a green light for the people of Kyiv to leave so we took our luggage and set off. They started firing at us, we hit the gas.”
“They fired 10 bullets into the right door of the vehicle I was in, the one sitting next to me was miraculously not killed.”
Source: Arutz Sheva