The Director of Hadassah Hospitals in Jerusalem, Prof. Zeev Rotstein, had a stroke over the weekend and needed hospitalization at Sheba Tel-Hashomer Hospital, which he had previously managed.
Rotstein, 69, an expert in cardiology and health systems management, was appointed to run Hadassah Hospitals in early 2016 as part of the hospital recovery program.
A Hadassah spokeswoman said,
“There is no doubt that the last few pressure-filled weeks, with the state’s position on the need to regulate public hospital functioning and budgets, have been unbearable, especially with the short memory regarding the activities of the hospital staff that struggled with the coronavirus epidemic and overcame it, and were surprised by the short memory of state representatives.”
“Prof. Rotstein will be back to work in the next few days. As he himself has stated: the road is still long and hard and it is not yet time to rest,” the spokeswoman said.
Source: Arutz Sheva