Hailed as “heroes in white coats” by President Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, France’s health-sector employees assembled en masse on Tuesday to demand more than just applause and platitudes.
Calling for salary raises and an end to hospital-bed cuts, one powerful union taking part said that “the government’s soothing speeches, chocolate medals and promises of random and hypothetical bonuses will not suffice.”
In Paris, an estimated several thousand workers descended on the Ministry of Health. Elsewhere in the city, clashes broke out between ‘black bloc’ militants and the lines of riot police who showed up to keep order.
These more violent demonstrators hurled bottles and fireworks at the police, who responded by firing tear gas at the mob, some of whom flipped vehicles and set fires.
Les CRS sont visés par des projectiles et pétards à la manifestation #soignants dont un #blackbloc a pris la tête. Pour le moment la police encaisse sans riposter #HopitalPublic pic.twitter.com/5m15e4LRMN
— Jonathan Moadab (@MoadabJ) June 16, 2020
PARIS – Importante tensions en cours alors que la tête de cortège est arrivé aux Invalides. Gaz lacrymogène et projectiles. pic.twitter.com/ri3R5HxMUG
— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) June 16, 2020
PARIS – Tensions en cours : départ de feu sur les Invalides. Important dispositif des forces de l’ordre. pic.twitter.com/W6ufjwNhk1
— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) June 16, 2020
Fumigènes craqués sur l’esplanade des Invalides. Tensions en cours à l’autre extrémité du cortège.
📍 Manif #16juin à #Paris en direct @actufrparis : https://t.co/1IDzOYSusK #HopitalPublic #16Juin2020 #soignants pic.twitter.com/rf8p7KxXqF
— actu Paris (@actufrparis) June 16, 2020
The protesters appeared divided between the healthcare workers chanting slogans and waving banners, and the militants hurling projectiles at the police. Police officers at more peaceful demonstrations across the country stood by and applauded the healthcare workers, rather than firing gas or brandishing batons. Members from among their own ranks were prompted to march themselves last year, to protest President Macron’s controversial pension reforms.
The procession in Lille was joined by firefighters, who also took to the streets to demand a pay increase earlier this year.
More than 220 rallies were planned nationwide, organized by a dozen unions and workers’ associations.
The demonstrations come after a massive Black Lives Matter march took place in Paris on Saturday. Around 15,000 people – as well as some counter-demonstrators, who unveiled a banner denouncing ‘Anti-White Racism’ – showed up, and riot police used tear gas to disperse the crowds.
Header: Protesters face off with police during a demonstration by health workers in Paris, France, June 16, 2020 © Reuters / Charles Platiau
Source: RT