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Passover – The anniversary of the Jewish nation’s miraculous exodus from Egyptian slavery

Jews celebrate Passover as a commemoration of their liberation by G-d from slavery in ancient Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses. It commemorates the story of the Exodus as described in the Hebrew Bible, especially in the Book of Exodus, in which the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt.

What is freedom? Why is it so important to man? Why is is so important to G-d that He redeemed Israel from Egyptian bondage with an outstretched hand? Is freedom a gift? An entitlement? A birthright? Or is freedom something we need to merit by virtue of our adhering to G-d’s will and assuming the responsibilities that He has bequeathed us, His children? Chag Kasher V’Sameach, blessings for a joyous and kosher Passover!

Chag Kasher veSameach!

Nissan 14, 5779

Candle Lighting is 40 minutes before sunset, Jerusalem: 6.31 pm