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Pfizer/BioNTech animal trials show dangerous concentrations of nano-particles in organs

Contrary to the manufacturer’s claim, the mRNA nanoparticles do not remain at the injection site, but are sometimes found in high concentrations in organs, especially in the ovaries in females.

The representative of the ministry was asked:

“Does the Federal Ministry of Health have similar data for Germany, and if so, how do you rate them?”

The spokesperson responded:

“We have four vaccines in Germany that have been approved by the EMA with the corresponding data that have been submitted for them. BioNTech/Pfizer’s vaccine is one of those four vaccines. I would leave it at that.”

The journalist persisted:

“My question related to the fact that at least from these data from the Japanese approval authority it is clear that these mRNA nanoparticles do not remain at the puncture site, but were found in high concentrations in the organs. The federal government will certainly also have corresponding data on animal experiments with the vaccine in Germany. Has this phenomenon also been observed?”

But the spokesperson would not comment on these explosive findings: “I cannot comment on what the Japanese regulatory authority has said here. I can tell you that this vaccine has been tested by the EMA and has received regular approval. Since it has this approval, it can be used in Germany as well as in all other EU countries.”

Not only in Israel, but also in the US, several cases are currently being investigated in which vaccinated people developed myocarditis after vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. According to the responsible health authorities, younger people and men in particular are more likely to be affected than women. But younger people are apparently not the only people who have died after the Corona vaccinations with the BioNTech/Pfizer preparation:

A Norwegian committee of health experts has now found that vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine was also “likely” responsible for the deaths of elderly nursing home residents.

As of May 18, 2021, 155 deaths were reported in Norway after vaccination with BioNTech/Pfizer. In most cases, elderly nursing home residents were affected, showing a risk that frail people will die prematurely as a result of the vaccination.

A study from Nature Neuroscience showed that the S1 spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice, causing damage to the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The spike protein ended up in the peripheral tissues – thus SARS-CoV-2 RNA was recovered from cerebrospinal fluid.

The study showed that these new spike proteins exploit angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), allowing for increased intake of spike proteins into the lungs and specifically to the brain. This is how SARS-CoV-2 manifests in the central nervous system, which include changes to taste and smell, headaches, twitching, seizures, confusion, vision impairment, nerve pain, dizziness, impaired consciousness, nausea, hemiplegia, ataxia, stroke and cerebral hemorrhage.

Spike proteins readily cross the blood-brain barrier through a process called adsorptive transcytosis. Inflammation notably increases spike protein uptake in the brain and lungs. And when the animals were induced with inflammation, the intravenously-administered spike proteins entered the brain more readily.

This is the same spike proteins that human cells now translate, synthesize and replicate using the genetic instructions provided by new mRNA vaccines and adenovirus-vectored vaccines, which is being mass produced to subvert the natural genetic template of protein synthesis.

Canadian virologist Byram Bridle, believes anti-COVID vaccines are directly responsible for cardiovascular injury and death as proposed by the first-of-its-kind “biodistribution” study from Japan showing that even when injected in muscle tissue in the arm, the mRNA (messenger RNA) injections from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech cause the production of spike proteins.

“If you inject the ‘purified’ spike protein into the blood … [there is] all kinds of damage to the cardiovascular system, it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain,” said Bridle.

“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”

“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination. Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting,” he warned.

Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told LifeSiteNews: “The results of this leaked Pfizer study tracing the biodistribution of the vaccine mRNA are not surprising, but the implications are terrifying.”

While controversial gain-of-function research on Coronaviruses was banned in the US in 2004, it has continued in other countries. Since Coronavirus gain-of-function research began, three new Coronaviruses have emerged. SARS-CoV-1 in 2003; MERS-CoV in 2012; and the current SARS-CoV-2, for which so-called mass-produced vaccines were rolled out globally almost instantly.