Before Sinai, there was earth and there was heaven. If you wanted one, you abandoned the other.
At Sinai, the boundaries of heaven and earth were breached and the human being was empowered to fuse the two: To raise the earthly into the realm of the spirit, and to bring heaven down to earth.
Before Mount Sinai, the coarse material of which the world is made could not be elevated. It could be used as a medium, an aid in achieving enlightenment, but it itself could not be enlightened. The spirit was raised, but the earth remained dark.
At Sinai we were empowered to take physical objects and transform them into spiritual artifacts.
Our forefathers’ task was to enlighten the souls. Ours is to transform the darkness of a material world into light.
Ever since Sinai, the mission of a Jew has been to bring heaven down to earth.
Header: Mount Sinai -Wikipedia. According to Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition, the biblical Mount Sinai was the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments.
Original: CHABAD – From the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory; words and condensation by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman.
Note: Abraham began the fusion of heaven and earth. But he was not able to affect the actual physicality, because he was working on his own, mortal power… The power to affect the status of the actual physical world was given at Sinai.