steampunk heart


On September 17th Rammstein announces on their websites: “Almost done! Orchestra and choir recordings in Minsk for album No.7.” Additionally, the band is making two pictures from the session public, with a quotation from their song “Adios” that also could be interpreted as working orders for Rammstein: “Fiddle-burning with screeches, harps cut into the flesh [“Geigen brennen mit Gekreisch, Harfen schneiden sich ins Fleisch“].” It is almost ten years now that Rammstein fans have had to wait longingly for the follow-up to “Liebe Ist Für Alle Da”. No wonder that the announcement of new music has spread through the international press like wildfire. Now Rammstein is adding more logs to the flames: parallel to the appearance of their as yet untitled new album (Spring 2019), the band is playing their first-ever stadium tour starting in May. Whoever has seen the band’s dramatic, perfectly staged live shows, might have thought that it couldn’t get any bigger, but with Rammstein, you can be certain that the band has planned something extraordinary for these even mightier stages!