steampunk heart

Sorting out the debris of modernity – When the ‘Old’ becomes the New ‘New’

Covid tears down our familiar world. It has no logic. It spares neither the rich, nor the élite. It destroys indiscriminately, either through disease, or the collapse of the status quo – and its very precarity impels people, in their new solitude, to stare in the mirror and to ask: ‘Was that ‘life’, the best there was?’

The public already are tiring of physical ‘distancing’, and self-isolation. The discipline of physical separation already is fraying with the onset of fine weather. Watch the videos: there is no real distancing being practiced on many beaches, and in the streets, masks are rarely worn.

To a significant extent, this outcome is a result of all the (fraudulent) mathematical models showing a peak of infection, to be followed by an equally exponential slide down, to a quick return to ‘normality’.

‘Talking heads’ go on about a collapsing economy being more lethal than the contagion, yet the public (rightly) are cautious – epidemics are always something to be taken seriously. It stirs remembrances at the deepest levels.

The point here is that, with the progressive opening of the economy and gradual lifting of restrictions on movement, there almost certainly will be further virus peak(s). The public is not psychologically prepared for this, but rather, has been conditioned to expect the scourge to be all over – in time for all to enjoy the summer at the beach.

We inhabit the psychology of ‘betwixt times’. Instinctively, we know the world will never be the same again, but we cling to the familiar. And for now, the future – our ‘new’ – cannot be construed intelligibly. It lacks a framing in narrative (old, or new). Even the ability to narrate our own lives, depends on our having narratives available, that make any one individual life-narrative, fit somehow, within the community’s ‘whole’.

But today’s ‘liberal’ order, with its assault on our stores of past culture, on gender, on identity – and on esteem for ‘difference’ itself – produces people incapable of living lives that have narrative coherence.

There is no evidence that the virus will abate in summer (although that is possible).

The point is: Were there to be a further serious infection peak later this year – which is expected by medics – it is uncertain whether a second, government-ordered, lockdown would be accepted by the public.

It may be rejected – especially in the U.S., where being ‘anti-lockdown’, and perceiving the pandemic more as a sinister ‘globalist’ plot against American ‘Rights’, is fast becoming a mainstream political movement.

In short, the evidence suggests a coming psychic crisis: i.e. the virus continues to infect another 50%+ of the population, disrupting the economy, and creating a class of an angry, cash-less marginals, (who in the U.S. will be armed).

In fact, localised violent political backlash, already has erupted in Europe (Spain, Italy and France).

Enforcing lockdown on Spain, May 3 – the police brutality and the peoples reaction:

On the path taken by this unpredictable, shape-shifting organism, then, hangs our political future. The élites have not given up hope of a possible return to their privileged, status quo ante lives. The war narrative – ‘a war on coronavirus’; ‘time of war’ economy; ‘time of war’ surveillance and intrusion into all spheres of life – together with travel lockdown, and social distancing, of course, de-activates people politically, as well as socially: It represents the almost complete retirement of public life.

The élite hopes to ‘push-through’ this crisis with criticism suppressed, as a specific threat to the war effort (‘we are all in this together’). Whether they can will depend largely on the course of the Covid-19 crisis.

But people are shocked by Nature’s unexpected revenge. The caprice of Life. Its meaning upended. People are finding that they are managing with less. They have less. They discover that they didn’t really need it: (they don’t have to summer in the Caribbean). They can survive without the consumerist ‘froth’.

Will these ‘discoveries’ embed?

Well, the U.S. (and UK) are ‘printing’ money – and are going to continue to throw trillions at the economy, in order to forestall – precisely – the prospect that these discoveries should embed. The élite wants to preserve the consumerist society (it represents, after all 70% of the U.S. economy). Other Central Banks have monetised, in co-ordination, all in all, an annualised $23.4 trillion (more than 25% of global GDP) to save it.

You can see where this is going. The markets desperately want to validate the recent index rise (itself a product of the Fed printing some $8 trillion) by massively inflating anything that might prove to be a ‘silver bullet’ for Covid-19, and to return to the world they understand, to normal. Meanwhile, the market is keeping its eyes tight shut to the economic reality.

This tsunami of liquidity however, may already be too late. The western economy was already in ‘critical state’ as a result of the 2008 global financial crisis, and has triggered cascading in other sectors, such as in Emerging Markets (see here for the reason why). The economic ‘black swan’, pairing (mating) with the biological ‘black swan’ is a ‘phase two’, not just of the virus, but a ‘phase two’ of cascading economy. Not everything can, or will, be bailed out.

The flaws and weakness of the ‘Open Society’ stand naked: Open borders, open airways, open off-shoring of labour costs, open exports of dollar credits, and free trade, has set up the West for a collapse. The inherent fragilities are too brittle, and systematically, too tightly-coupled. Just to be clear, the cascade in the complex, hyper-financialised, dynamic system is setting off fingers of instability affecting the wider liberal ideology of democracy, rights, borderless ‘cosmopolitanism’, migration and technocratic global governance.

Again, Covid-19 did not cause any of this. It just exposed the fractures that already existed. That said, the operators of this globalist project will look to lay blame anywhere else – China will do.

The Enlightenment model has revealed itself as a grand ‘pretence’, cloaking its ugly, predatory, dark underside. But here, there is a problem. Covid-19’s exposure of the flaws to the Open Society equally demands an answer to the question of what – and where – is the alternative? Well, the answer is plain in economic terms: “We’re going back to basics: You know – everything old is new again”.

We are likely to see a return to hard borders; more control of immigration; greater self-sufficiency in terms of domestically-produced component parts (i.e. less off-shoring); more emphasis on self-sustaining agriculture; less dependency on export markets; more reliance on tariffs; and a return to the real economy.

A simpler, largely national economy, in other words, with a sovereign financial sector. Maybe gold, which was an international money in the past, could become money again, in the future. It’s the ‘old’ as the new ‘new’.

The direction of political travel in Europe is likely to be sovereigntist and nationalist in the wake of Covid-19. This would beg the question of the nature of this future nationalism.

Western ‘populism’ has not really sedimented into a compelling system of practice, or yet been able reach back to any compelling wider ‘logos’.

Why? Because of a deeper fault line: the ‘live rail’ of western discourse. At bottom, this contagion exposes – beyond the economic fragilities – the failure of the Enlightenment project. People in the modern liberal world talk as though we are engaged in moral reasoning, and act as though our actions reflect such reasoning; but in fact neither of these things is true. Ordinary people are working today with bits and pieces of philosophies which are detached from their original pre-Enlightenment settings in which they were comprehensible and useful. Current moral and political philosophies are fragmented, incoherent, and conflicting, with no standards that can be appealed to, in order to evaluate their truth or adjudicate the conflicts between them.

Today, we live in the ‘Enlightened’ world as a fragmented society made up of individuals who have no conception of the human good; no way to come together to pursue a common good; no way to persuade one another about what that common good might be; and indeed most of us believe that the common good does not, and cannot, exist. What kind of politics can such a society have?

“Politically the societies of advanced Western modernity are oligarchies disguised as liberal democracies”, wrote Alasdair Macintyre.

Header: Michal Karcz – ”Spiritual Archives IV”

Read the full article: Alastair Crooke – Strategic Culture Foundation