Although he is gone now—gone from the Oval Office, from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and from social media—Donald John Trump casts a long shadow. In particular, he has a strange sort of contagious toxicity which affects everything, however mild or unobjectionable, that he lights upon. Détente with North Korea? Toxic. Winning the electoral college but not the popular vote? Toxic. So it has proved with theories on the origins of the COVID-19 virus.
Republican members of the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee recently released a report which asserted that there was a “preponderance of evidence” which proved that COVID-19 had leaked from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan some time before 12 September 2019.
This is not the approved view of the medical establishment. A letter to the Lancet as early as February 2020—before COVID had made much impact in the UK, and well before we became accustomed to the new meaning of the word ‘lockdown’—by eminent virologists and public health scientists condemned “rumours and misinformation” about the virus’s origin. The idea that it could have been deliberately engineered and then leaked by mistake was beyond the Pale.
President Trump’s description of COVID-19 as the “China virus” and his endorsement in the early months of the pandemic of the lab leak theory was, ironically, a powerful move in favour of the establishment view: if it was the view of Trump, the argument went for many, then it was than much less likely to be true.
We live in an age of scepticism; not, like the 18th century, enlightened scepticism which challenges long-held orthodoxies and promotes the spirit of rational inquiry, but of knee-jerk rejection of authority and “the party line”. For many, especially on social media, the “mainstream media” or MMM is automatically to be distrusted, being, in their view, an interested party to a wider system of disinformation. Conspiracy theories are in vogue (boosted, it must be said, by the atmosphere of the Trump White House) and they grow like Topsy. The particular strength of a conspiracy theory is that its official denial, even debunking, serves only to prove the conspiracy.
It is peculiar that the medical establishment—scientists being the cautious, evidential sort—was so strident and so quick out of the traps in its denial of the lab leak theory and its condemnation of it as a conspiracy theory. There are, after all, arguments in its favour.
Setting aside the coincidence of a virus developing naturally in the wet markets of Wuhan, so close to an institute of virology which specialised in coronaviruses, Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control, told CNN in March that it made no sense for a naturally occurring virus to have such efficient human-to-human transmission as COVID-19.
It is also odd, to say the least, that the virus has yet to be found in animals, despite Chinese scientists having tested 80,000 wild and domestic creatures to find an intermediate host.
I am not a scientist: that is a masterpiece of understatement. But there seems enough evidence at least to keep the lab leak theory on the table, however persuasive other theories might currently appear. Ruling out a source of the virus on evidential grounds is one thing, but placing a theory out of bounds because it is endorsed by “deplorables”, to use Hillary Clinton’s word, is misguided and sinister.
Politics in the 2020s is sharply and bitterly polarised. Common ground is very difficult to find and the centre has been deserted as activists flee to the extremes. This is a poisonous atmosphere which we should seek to mitigate, not encourage. For us to dismiss a hypothesis on the origins of COVID-19 because of those who support it simply makes the situation worse: it is weaponising thought and conjecture.
The foreign affairs committee should consider the lab leak hypothesis, and make whatever inquiries it needs to make, then draw conclusions based on the widest possible base of information.
COVID-19 has seen science collide with politics in ways which have been damaging for both sides. Closing down lines of inquiry will exacerbate this.
This is no longer just an argument over the origins of COVID-19. It is becoming a battle over how we deal with scientific inquiry.
Source: Eliot Wilson – The Telegraph