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The UK’s “excess deaths” are by far the youngest in Europe. Why?

An in-depth look at the mortality statistics in England shows something puzzling: Their reported “excess deaths” are much, much younger than the rest of the world, the rest of Europe, and even the rest of the United Kingdom.

COVID-19 – like many common respiratory viruses – affects the elderly at a far greater rate than the young.

Worldwide the average age of a COVID-19 death is over 80 years old (in many countries such as Canada and Sweden it is substantially more).

When you look at the EuroMomo graphs on mortality you see that the vast majority of “excess deaths” fall in the 65+ category. No countries anywhere show increased mortality in people under 45.

Except England.

The five European countries most affected by COVID-19 so far are Italy, Spain, Belgium France and the UK. And here’s how mortality for those aged between 15 and 44 was affected in those countries…





….and the UK:

That’s a huge spike. So big it totally shifts the scale on the Y-axis. It’s also unique, not one other European country has a spike in the mortality of 15-44 year olds. What’s absolutely bizarre, is that it’s not even ALL the UK. The other home nations are not affected at all:

So what is going on in England? Is it entirely due to COVID-19? If so, why does it stop so sharply at the borders?

And why is it that, despite this spike, the average age of a British “covid death” is over 80, the same as everywhere else in Europe?

That implies these “excess deaths” may not be being caused by COVID-19 at all.

The bottom line is: We have an unprecedented spike in the deaths of 15-44 year olds in England, one that seems to be unique around the world. Why?

Original: Kit Knightly – OFF GUARDIAN