“Either you deal with what is the reality, or you can be sure that the reality is going to deal with you.”
- Alex Haley – My Soul Looks Back, “Less I Forget : A Collection of Quotations”. Book by Dorothy Winbush Riley, 1993.
When truth, honesty, and facts are considered, there can be only one valid reality, but that is not how ‘reality’ is understood or accepted by the common man. Given the dire situation we face today with this fictitious pandemic, the concept of reality as viewed by the masses is simply perception. That perception therefore can change with every passing moment, so it is not reality at all except in the sense of what is falsely believed as truth in any given time frame. In other words, each individual sees reality as what he thinks or believes in the flash of the present, and this belief is mostly based on what suits his own interest. So each person therefore, perceives his own reality, which means he has little knowledge of reality at all.
There has been an enormous amount of truthful information available concerning this fake virus scare, and many extremely qualified investigative journalists have continually exposed the lies coming from the mainstream media. The exposure of the lies of the controlling self-claimed ‘elites’ and the entirety of the political class have been made available, but are either ignored or hidden by those seeking to advance very nefarious agendas. Little if any of this honest information gets to the average American public, as reliance on mainstream news is still evident among the proletariat class. This is a travesty, as this same mainstream is the enabling arm of the propaganda state. There is so much information available, but so much of it is conflicting that it leaves the public-schooled masses in such a stupor that they look for the easy way out that aligns them with the largest crowd of non-thinkers.
Because of this, it is useful to concentrate on some factual basics that can be understood by a large portion of people in this country. I am speaking about total death rates and mortality; two terms that leave little room for argument or speculation. Putting aside for just a moment the bogus deaths claimed to be strictly due to a virus that has never been identified, the world’s actual death numbers tell a different story.
For purposes here, all considered will be for this current year of 2020. As of this moment, according to the World Life Expectancy tables, total deaths have reached over 44 million out of a total population of 7.734 billion people. If this number is extrapolated out for this year, total deaths worldwide will be approximately 58.7 million. Average deaths per year worldwide currently average close to 60 million deaths per year, so this year is certainly not abnormal, and in fact seems to be slightly less than normal. How can this be, given that we are told we are in the middle of one of the most deadly pandemic periods in history, so deadly that the world has been shut down?
Total deaths ‘claimed’ due to the so-called Covid-19 have reached according to these tables, about 1.009 million so far, which includes all Covid-19 deaths worldwide counted since last year. This does not take into consideration that the CDC has stated that only 6% of all Covid deaths in the U.S. (and therefore most likely the world) are from Covid alone. Using the current number of cases claimed of approximately 34 million worldwide, and current deaths claimed of 1.009 million, this equates to a death rate of 0.0297. If only deaths due to Covid without multiple co-morbidities are considered, that death rate falls to 0.0018. Either way, there is no pandemic!
To expand on this assertion, consider deaths due to other factors that apparently do not qualify as any pandemic? Once again, using the highest and certainly inaccurate number of a million claimed deaths due to Covid-19 alone, cardiovascular deaths this same year are 12.854 million, or almost 13 times more than Covid. Cancer is 5.7 times higher, respiratory 3 times higher, perinatal 2.3 times higher, diorrhoeal 1.6 times higher, digestive 1.5 times higher, and TB 1.1 times higher. To accentuate the ludicrous nature of this hoax by using the actual CDC U.S. death rate of Covid patients at 6% of what is recorded, the only morbidities less deadly than Covid are Dengue, a mosquito borne disease, and natural forces. So why is this being called a Pandemic?
Even automobile accidents will account for about the same number of deaths as are claimed as Covid deaths this year, (automobile deaths happen every year) but I have not seen the world governments outlawing the use of all motor vehicles on the planet. If any logic among the world’s population still exists, please consider the stupidity of this virus false flag event meant for the singular purpose of a global reset allowing for the control of the entire planet by the few.
The assaults on the freedom of global populations, and the propaganda campaign perpetrated by the controlling forces and their enforcers in government have been very successful considering the state’s agenda. The enormous amount of tyranny that has befallen the world’s residents in just the past few months is staggering, but this has been only the beginning of the terror, as in order for the state to achieve total power and control, much more death and destruction is planned.
The next major step in this attempt to conquer all of us, and in the process, relegate the bulk of society to that of a slave underclass to be used as fodder for the claimed elites, is a vaccine strategy that will seek to deliver its poison to 7 billion people.
This attempt at massive population control will first be tried by gaining voluntary acceptance by the people at large all across the world. This will require much more fear mongering, and the state stands ready to frighten the people enough to gain mass compliance.
If that does not work as planned, mandatory injection will be forthcoming, as the delivery of toxic poisons and viruses, possible sterility additives, monitoring and tracking technological agents, gene-altering nanoparticles, and any number of other dangerous mind-altering elements, will be sought and enforcement ramped up to extreme levels. That is one reason that the current administration here in this country has called out the military to distribute vaccines.
I believe the critical point of this horrendous coup meant to subdue society is upon us, and that this upcoming election will be the turning point that will signal a finality of any chance for revolt against this tyranny if apathy and indifference continue to consume the people.
Stand up now and fight against the monsters that are planning our demise, or our fate will be sealed in totalitarian madness.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago,” written 1958 to1968—Published 1973 by Editions du Seuil
Source: Gary D. Barnett – LewRockwell
Also: CDC Admits That 94 Percent of “COVID-19 Deaths” Had Other Causes/Conditions