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Tucker Carlson: ‘Someone needs to explain why there are dangerous biological weapons in Ukraine’

Tucker: The Pentagon is lying about bio labs in Ukraine

If you had told us just four days ago that the Biden administration was funding secret bio labs in Ukraine of all places, we would not have believed you.

Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to put that on TV. No thanks.

Then, if you told us that not only did the administration fund these secret bio labs in Ukraine, but that they then failed to secure the deadly contents of those labs before the Russian invasion—an invasion they knew was coming, an invasion they helped encourage—if you had told us that four days ago, we would have dismissed you as a nut. It was just too preposterous. We will not want anything to do with a story like that. There was no way it could be true. It was too far out. In any case, we already knew for a fact that that story was false. How do we know that? Because we read USA Today, America’s newspaper.

Within hours of the Russian invasion, USA Today published a rebuttal to all those crazies who were yammering on about secret Ukrainian bio labs. Here was the headline: “Fact check: False claim of US biolabs in Ukraine tied to Russian disinformation campaign.”

Source: FOX NEWS