Former Mossad chief Danny Yatom believes the Biden administration will allow Iran to gain the technology and operational abilities to manufacture a nuclear bomb within a short time.
Yatom, who serves as president of WHEN, a cybersecurity company, spoke at a conference hosted by the HLS and security desk of Tadmor Levy & Co., in a closed forum comprised of military details, ambassadors, and diplomats from Latin America. The conference was held for the purpose of increasing cooperation between the attendees and leading security firms in Israel, who also took part in the conference.
During the conference, Yatom discussed Israel’s security challenges, focusing on the Iranian threat. He noted the importance of the military option with regards to Iran, emphasizing that, “Israel needs an offensive contingency plan to deal with Iran, in case the worst of all happens, and Iran comes too close to a bomb.”
“Until now, [US President Joe] Biden only said that he would prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear country, but he definitely did not say that he would also prevent it from becoming a nuclear-capable country, and that also holds danger for Israel,” Yatom said.
Attorney Shimon Abiran, a former security official who now works with Tadmor Levy & Co.,spoke about the existing regulations for security exports, and about the necessary steps in order to allow security exports to other countries. He also noted the advantage in these types of deals.
Gabriel Hayon, President at The Diplomatic Institute, discussed the security startup industry, explaining to the diplomats the delicate balance between exporting cybertechnology and the government body supervising exports. Israel, he said, is “hungry for success, and tolerant of failure.”
Source: Arutz Sheva