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Vaccination against coronavirus in Russia may follow military scenario, scientist says

Russia may opt for a so-called military scenario of vaccination against the coronavirus: it will be used only in relation to those who work in infection-affected areas, and not the entire population, Russian Academy of Sciences member Sergei Kolesnikov told the daily Parlamentskaya Gazeta in an interview.

“The reason is there is a special rule of registering medications and vaccines in emergencies. It is not ruled out that we may opt for the military scenario, bearing in mind the high infection and mortality rate. In this case vaccination will be applied not to the entire population, but part of the endangered contingent – those who work in the very center of coronavirus infection hotbeds, as well, as people who are likely to experience the grave form of the disease,” Kolesnikov said.

In Russia, there are several ways of vaccination against the coronavirus. If the military one is chosen, vaccination may begin in the autumn or early winter. Kolesnikov added that it was not the traditional method.

If Russia decides in favor of traditional procedures, the vaccine may emerge no earlier than the end of this year or early next year. In that case the most competitive vaccine will be selected first. Then its production will begin, which is not a quick process, either.

“Major production capacities are to be created to make enough doses – 8-10 million a year. Under the correct approach 70 million doses will be needed to achieve sufficient herd immunity,” Kolesnikov said.

He added the vaccination would be not mandatory, because Russia does not have the relevant legislation.

“Everything will depend on whether the COVID-19 mortality rate will be high. Now it is just a little bit above seasonal flu mortality, because there are vaccines and herd immunity against the flu,” he added.

On April 13, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko told the State Duma the first vaccines against the coronavirus will be created in Russia late July.

The growth in coronavirus cases in Russia has been stopped, the growth rate has been insignificant for the past 11 days, the head of the Russian consumer rights watchdog, Anna Popova, said in an interview with Moscow. Kremlin. Putin program, an excerpt from which was uploaded to the Instagram page of its host, Pavel Zarubin.

“I would be very careful in making assessments here. I would say that we have stopped the growth for now. For today, yes, of course. Ten days, already 11 days we have no further growth, the growth is meager,” the chief of Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Popova said.

Source: TASS